Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Truly Amazing

First of all, you must forgive me for hacking in to my parents' blogger account.  It is for a good cause though, promise.  I want to give credit much deserved and show some love for my AMAZING mother.  (This is Alicia by the way)

Secondly, everyone needs to wish my mama a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  It is actually tomorrow (March 2nd).

Gayle is a truly amazing mother of three:

...and Grandma of three beautiful girls:
and McKel

 She is also an amazing wife:

a chef:

an artist:

a hair model:

a cheerleader:

a seamstress:

a landscape designer:

a sister:

a hot babe:


a friend:

and just plain goofy:

HAPPY 62nd BIRTHDAY MOM!  (You totally don't look 62).  We love you!!!!


Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday Gayle! Hope you have a great one! That was a sweet post, Alicia.

deerhollow said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Loved that post Alicia! Your mom is a remakrable lady and I think the world of her. And those hair shots....most awesome!!