Avril's growing so fast that Gayle had to cut out the feet from this outfit so Avril's feet could stick out. Click on the photo to see Avril's bottom tooth. A second is coming through next to it.
Gayle put Avril's hair up in a tail.
Yesterday we helped Mom pick apples. I also had helped the week before, and she and Dad had also done a lot on their own. They have a Red Delicious tree, a Jonathan tree, and a Golden Delicious tree. We figure 40+ bushels at least came from these trees.
Here's Mom posing next to the last tree picked, the Golden Delicious. The branches in the background will give you an idea of how thick the apples were, and they had even been thinned early in the season. Remember to click on the photo to see it enlarged.
Me with a couple of Jonathan apples. Quite tasty.
Just part of the harvest, kept in their garage. Gayle is giving away several baskets of apples, we've got some, and a lot are going to the food bank too. And still there are plenty for Mom and Dad.
When we got home from picking apples Gayle took some photos at dusk of the changing leaves on our berm. Yes, hosta leaves actually change in cold climates. They go yellow, for the most part, before dying. They come back miraculously each spring.
A close-up of the big hosta on the berm.
And one of some begonias.
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