Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 9th, we drove with mom and dad down to Provo to attend a Keller family reunion (mom was a Keller). Here are some shots -
This is a group shot, including: seated - Joyce, L. Spencer, Tanner, Jessica, Spence; standing - David (mom's brother), and Gayle. Some of David's and Elmo's clan were there too. There were lots of other Keller related groups there as well (descended from James Morgan Keller of Bornholm, Denmark).

Mom and her youngest child, Patricia.

Some of the younger ones from the Joyce Keller Parkinson side - Julie, Trish, Robert, Carli, Kristen, and Brandon.

Mom represented Karen Margaret Valentine, wife of James Morgan Keller. They founded Mink Creek, Idaho.

Here's a clip of mom reading from Karen's life story, while dressed in period.

A familiar pose. We're at a barn in Millville, UT which we visited with Bryan Yarger and the Maxsons on Thursday, August 7th. Todd keeps their horse there at his father's place.

Here's Richard, the horse whisperer. He has been working on breaking in Jamie, this 2 year old untamed horse recently purchased by Kim and Todd.

Richard, Sandy and Bryan over for dinner and entertainment (Craig and I rehearsed while they ate). A healthy looking spread, don't you think? This was prior to going to Millville to see the horse and to meet Sandy's daughter, Janae, and Janae's family (David Langford - husband, Dallin, Emma, and Tessa - children) all living in Nibley.

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