Jared, Jesse, and Alicia seated at our table prior to Jared's dinner at Sizzler.
The older folks - Spencer, L. Spencer, Gayle, and Joyce.
Jared with his free root beer float - compliments of Sizzler because of his birthday.
The uncle and his niece, Avril.
Alicia, Jesse, and Avril drove down to California after Jesse's Stampede football game in Ogden (which they won). Here's Brittney holding her first ever cousin.
Another shot of our two granddaughters (and only grandchildren so far).
Arleen with Avril, Brittney, and Adrian - all at Sandy and Richard Maxson's.
Daddy and Avril relaxing on a bed at the Maxsons' house.
Kristy Large Risser had a baby, Cali, born shortly after Avril. Here are the two girls at Kristy's house in Castaic (part of Santa Clarita).
Avril went with Jesse and Alicia to visit some of the families of autistic children that Jesse and Alicia had tutored. Here's a shot of them while at one of the homes.
And here are Richard, Sandy, and Avril.